Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rich Siblings Christmas Party

This year for our adult sibling party we went to a new place that Joanne raved about.
Here it is in all it's glory!  Coby and I along with Ben and Whit got there first.  It was almost laughable!  It was a TOTAL and I mean TOTAL dive!  It was definitely something I could NEVER picture Joanne choosing!  It looked like some sort of dirty old market with tables and chairs.  I couldn't even tell if there even was a kitchen in this place.  
We were told that this was a one man show.  And to our was AMAZING!  This cute little Vietnamese chef (also a convert to the church) was able to whip up a ton of different dishes eaten family style!  Just the way we Rich's prefer to dine!  It was SO good!
Here we all after the FEAST of all FEASTS!
Then we headed back to Joanne for games and to open our sibling gifts.
It was so fun to sit back, relax and laugh til our sides ached.
I love Coby's siblings and their spouses!  This is a such an incredible family and I feel so blessed...SO BLESSED to be a part of it!

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