Tuesday, January 07, 2014

FHE 2014 Goals/Blessings

Tonite we had our first Family Home Evening for 2014!
Coby and I gave a lesson on setting goals/blessings that we want to work on for the upcoming year.  We all wrote out our lists.  
 Here's Corb's:
And Mine.

We wrote out our goals and sealed them up.  (I am actually planning to type them up and print them out and then post them where we can see them...so they will be on our minds frequently).  Next New Years Eve, we are planning to open up our sealed envelopes and see how well we did.  I obviously have a LOT to work on...so I hope this new tradition doesn't bite me in the butt!!! 
Cole didn't know what to do...so since he was SUPER tired and didn't take his naps for very long today, he decided that the best way to bring the spirit was to SCREAM Him into our home!   I could be wrong, but I don't think He stuck around for long!

I am so excited for this new year.  The thing I want most is to make Christ the center of our home.  I want our home to be a safe haven for our family.  I want the feeling I get in church to LAST longer than the end of the closing prayer!  It feels like lately that the second church is over...we just go back to doing whatever we feel like on Sundays.  Usually that means, I am playing on the computer, Jaden is on his phone, Corb is either on his phone or playing the Wii, Cole is sleeping and Coby is watching football.  How's that for Sunday FAMILY fun?!!!  Well, that is something I'm hoping to remedy this year!  I know it won't be easy and it will be FAR from perfect, but we've got to start somewhere!  


Mama Jo said...

YEAH for the Rich family! I'm proud!

Melanie B said...

The sunday thing is also on our to-do list this year. We need a bit more Sunday structure.