Sunday, September 16, 2012

YW...The end of an ERA

Well, after 3 1/2 was time to bid adieu to my Young Womens calling as 2nd Counselor (Beehives).  It is a bitter sweet day for me.  I have grown to LOVE the leaders I served with (Kellie-above left and Angie-above right) as well all of the beautiful young women I've had the privilege of watching literally grow up before my eyes.
Here's a shot of most of our girls and the BEST LEADERS EVER at Girl's Camp in 2011.

I remember when Bishop Mayne came to me a few months after Jack had passed and extended the calling to me.  I was ELATED because my cute friend Camille was already a leader there.  But quickly, he informed me that there was to be an entirely new presidency called.  I knew most of the leaders called...but not really.  Over the past few years I have come to absolutely LOVE them.  They have been such great examples to me and have really helped me grow.  If you would have asked me if I thought Young Womens was the answer so soon after Jack, I would have definitely said No.  But I can honestly say with all my heart that they saved me, each leader and every single girl.  I love them so much and as excited as I am to start a new journey (I just got called as a teacher in Relief Society), I am SO sad to leave Young Womens.  I know I've complained and murmured...hey it's a big calling.... but underneath it all, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and to serve with these amazing women and young women.  There are a handful of girls that TOTALLY have and will always have my heart.  I often joke that they are the girls I haven't had and help to fill a void in the "girl" department for me!  I wish I had the solid testimonies that they have at such a young age as when I was their age.  I always tell them that if I could go back, and know what I know now...I'd be a totally different girl.  I would have been PROUD of the daughter of God that I KNOW that I am and I would have been a better example and help to other girls around me.  I would have a been a leader of the light.  I hope these girls and leaders know just how much they mean to me.  I will miss them more than I can say, but am grateful for chance I got to be with them. 

1 comment:

Posh Ideas said...

So fun! I do love YW. I just got put back in as the 1st Counselor. I can't believe you only have 9 weeks left.