Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ode to Amay...

Me and Amy fighting in her brand new J. Crew sweater
We were polygamists for Halloween, this is Galyen the boy I loved...Amy nicknamed "Gaywad"
This is the most recent picture I have....sad!

This post is to my blogstocking, say it like it is, put the fear of God in you roomate Amy! I haven't talked to her since my other more forgiving roomate Kerstin's wedding in May of '05. Amy was one of five roomates I had when I first moved to Provo in 1996. We lived together at the Glenwood, or soon starting calling it the "glenhole". Amy started things right...she let all 5 of us know right from the beginning that she had NO problem with confrontation! My first memory of Amy was on the day we all moved in. She worked at Magelbey's and came home from work to find the front door locked. She had to use her key to open it and then the first words out of her mouth were..."Who freakin' locked the door?" as she threw her keys on the table. I'm pretty sure we were all a little nervous. Since everyone knows that the first few days everyone is on their "nice" behavior until the REAL you, the less polite you can come out. I unfortuately became known as the extremely flakey, dirty roomate. In fact, one night I decided to make some Tuna Helper. GAAARRROOOSSSSS!!!! I was disgusting. So, I thought that I'd just leave it on the stove and "somebody" would eventually clean it up for me. Well, after a couple days of my "cat" (as Amy called it) just sitting on the stove, and her telling me to take care of....it ended up in my bed! I really don't know anyone with bigger balls than Amy! She told me that she didn't mind me using her stuff, as long as I put it back. So, one day I borrowed her Van Morrison CD and didn't put it back in it's case...we lived on the third floor and she marched all the way to the basement were I was doing my laundry to make me come back upstairs and put it away. Like I said...she liked confrontation and wasn't and I believe still isn't afraid of anyone or anything! Not even spiders or roaches crawling across her face in the middle of the night in Honduras on her mission!!! We lived outside the pool at the Glenhole and Amy would yell out the window "I'll let down my haaaair." to unsuspecting Glenholers. I'm sure you'd probably have to be there, but it still makes me laugh.
Amy wasn't all mean, she was sooo fun and had the best taste. She even taught me to pee in a sink!! I still can't pass a turtle up without checking the price to see if I should get it for Amy. She is so photogenic and has the best smile! I miss her veggie lasagna and the fact that she made fun of "casseroles" and said that they were totally a "mormon" thing. I used to love taking the much needed Sunday naps with Amy, would thought she had to sleep with me. Which secretly I liked...hey, she was really warm!
I miss her dearly, regardless of the fact that I am so flaky and haven't kept in touch AT ALL!! I'll try harder!


Janee said...

LOL!!! Polygs for Halloween! What a great idea!

Kim said...

Tiff you were a beauty in your wedding day. I am so glad you are blogging more! I miss you much.

abbyandcompany said...

Okay, I am a mean little girl! I just want to say that that was BEFORE my mission; you know when I learned how to be a nice roomie with my companions. You should have lived with me after my mission-I was SOOOO much nicer! I need to fish all these photos out-where did you have them? I bet I have some other good ones in storage somewhere. Thanks for the holla, though maybe i mean no thanks? :)