San Francisco or BUST!!
After Months of looking for flights to San Francisco and Amy spending countless hours on Yelp planning out the PEFECT girls finally happened!!
Our first stop was to Pier 39! We sampled fancy cheeses and then had a LOVELY grilled cheese sandwich. After we had lunch, Amy needed to use the little girl's room...only the line was a mile long! But, that didn't stop that California girl! Amy took one look at the line for the women and then glanced at the men's non existent line and didn't hesitate to walk right in to the MEN'S room! She got a few shocked looks...but she got it DONE! That's the Amy I know!!
Peir 39 in all it's glory!
The fancy bread guy! They actually make all kinds of animal shaped breads in a big window as you watch. It was pretty awesome. And the smell....SO heavenly!
Then we walked a little further and got to see all the Sea Lions....that smell was NOT so heavenly!
Amy has always been a girl with a plan...and so after Pier 39 and I changed my shoes and grabbed a jacket, we headed to The San Francisco Bridge! It was sooo windy! But it was soooo awesome! After about 3 people (none of which really spoke much English) took our picture....we finally ended up on this beaut!
Next it was off to Lombard Street! The twisty most curvy road in the world! Check out these million ...many multi million dollar houses! LOVE that blue one with the pink flowers!
Good thing it doesn't snow here...or there would be a few problems! :)
Later that night we went a local place called Paccinos. (fresh salads, pizzas..pastas...) There was a little bit of a wait and that was fine with me because I just wanted to catch up with my friend. We sat there talking "celebrities" you've met or know that sort of thing. When who walks in....
Well, Tracy Chapman of course! That's right THE Tracy Chapman! The funny thing is that NO ONE noticed! Not one Amy not wanting to miss a chance to meet one of her favorite artists...decides we should hang out a little bit and wait for her to finish her dinner and then politely approach her. We waited forever...and finally decided to just go up and talk to her anyway! She was so shy and humble! I was star struck...and then later wished I would have asked her if she ever did get that "fast car"? I think Amy would have killed me! :)
Later that night we went a local place called Paccinos. (fresh salads, pizzas..pastas...) There was a little bit of a wait and that was fine with me because I just wanted to catch up with my friend. We sat there talking "celebrities" you've met or know that sort of thing. When who walks in....
Well, Tracy Chapman of course! That's right THE Tracy Chapman! The funny thing is that NO ONE noticed! Not one Amy not wanting to miss a chance to meet one of her favorite artists...decides we should hang out a little bit and wait for her to finish her dinner and then politely approach her. We waited forever...and finally decided to just go up and talk to her anyway! She was so shy and humble! I was star struck...and then later wished I would have asked her if she ever did get that "fast car"? I think Amy would have killed me! :)
Amy knows my love of Thrift Shopping and we checked out TONS...then she brought me to this little wonder! Thrift Town is my favorite thrift store EVER....and I'm super sad that there is no longer one in Salt Lake City! But this ready....TWO STORIES!! That's right!! Two stories of sheer WONDERFULNESS! The best part was the bathroom! And since this is my blog and journal for our family....I couldn't forget the bathroom story at this particular store. Days before my trip our entire family came down with the stomach flu....the HORRIBLE, ROTTEN, stomach flu!! AGAIN!! I still wasn't better when I left for San Fran, but it was under control enough. With that in mind, I still needed to have access to a quick potty when necessary if you know what I mean ;) ;)! When I felt the "call"...Amy and I found the bathroom. The only thing is...that while it's a public bathroom, you have to be led back to it, located in the employee break room, by an employee. Amy quickly finished and opted to get the heck outta dodge leaving me all to my lonesome to do my "thing"! I had a stomach I was in there for about 20 minutes. What I didn't realize is that the employee(s) now 3...were right outside the door waiting for me! I came out and I'm sure my face turned bright red and then they started quietly laughing and had to look down at the table for fear of embarrassment... for them...for me...who knows!! I sort of wanted to die...but I had just gotten to Thrift Town and there was NO WAY I was leaving! A little bit later, Amy needed to use the potty and as she was being led back again...they wondered where "her friend" was...they said they never get long breaks...and the only time they get them is when a customer has to use the restroom! NICE! Sorry Thrift Town....I hope you don't hate me for what I did to your bathroom!
Later that day we headed to see Mrs. Doubtfire's house. (2640 Steiner Street) What else is on Steiner Street??
The Painted Ladies of course! Remember it from Full House??!! SO fun!
Then it was off to the Castro District to experience the "RAINBOW" if you will!
Isn't Amy hot?!! Anyway, I digress, we saw alot of interesting things...some things I couldn't post photos of...since this is afterall our FAMILY journal and I don't want to have to answer questions to things I don't feel comfortable saying the actual anatomical names for! :) But we did see a few cross dressers getting ready for a night on the town! Super fun!
After a goodnight's sleep we headed to the church at Stanford University. To say that it was awesome...just couldn't do it justice! All the Paintings above are NOT paintings at all, but actual Mosaics! Breathtakingly beautiful!
There was a mosaic of what appeared to be a mother weeping over the death of her child. Always a tender place for me...this is what the inscription said: "Events are messengers of either Divine goodness or justice. Each has a mission to fulfill, and, as it comes from God, accomplish it in peace. And, in sending them, the good Father also sends means by which they may be endured, – perhaps averted. Remedies in sickness, Love in trouble, Comfort in weakness, Renewed hope in disappointment, Tears in sorrow, Smiles to follow tears. I just loved it!
And here I am trying to get one of the Stanford Monks to give me a little smoocharoo! He was too much of a stiff!
Then Amy took me to Moonbay where the Happy Taco Taqueria is. Is it a hole? YES.... Is it the most amazing mexican food ever... WELL, OF COURSE it is!! And why am I not surprised...because Amy knew all about it!
Carne Asada Tacos....YUMMY!
Having fun on the rocks as the tide crashed in...I won't lie I was a little nervous...and the little crabs were looking at me like...."if she falls...let's get her..." Just teasin'!
Love this goofball girl!!

After a fun day eating square ice cream, delicious tacos and of course hitting one last GoodWill, we headed to the Oakland Temple. Isn't it beautiful?
Our last trying to close my tiny suitcase filled with way too many shoes that I never wore and all my thrift finds! :) Amy's doing her best to sit on it so I can zip it up!
SO MUCH FUN was had on this little girls trip to San Francisco! I LOVE this girl and am so grateful that we were thrown together as roommates all those years ago at the Glenhole! :) We missed Kerstin! But since she's moving to CO...I think another girls trip will need to be in order STAT! Thanks are the BEST vacation planner EVER! Loved spending every moment with you...with the exception of the bathroom ordeal... ;) Can't wait for the next one!