Today was a sad day...but last night was even MORE sad! Jaden and Corbin were playing at Honey and Poppy's house tonight with Coby while I was at Young Womens. Joanne has a fun spiral slide in her house and Jaden jumped off and somehow landed on his arm. Coby said that he screamed louder than he'd ever heard Jaden cry EVER and know he was hurt pretty bad. We took him to the ER and eventually found out that Jaden had fractured his elbow in two places.

So, after a LONG night, a LOT of children's motrin and 12 hours later, we were off to Primary Children's Hospital to set his arm. It was a little nerve racking because we haven't been there since Jack's accident. As we pulled into the hospital, a wave of emotions came over me. I had to breathe deeply and know that everything was going to be okay and that this time we would be walking out with the same number we walked in with. Here's Jaden picking out the color of cast he'd like. He wanted PINK....but i had to say NO. PINK....this kid really IS my kid!! After a little convincing and maybe even a little bribery, we agreed on a water proof black cast.
Here we are setting the cast...he's thrilled can you tell??!!
And after 5 minutes it was all over with. He looks like he's screaming, but it was the closest thing to a laugh we could get him to muster and we were happy to see that smile again!
We wasted NO time signing his cast.
He was eating up every single, attention grabbing minute....
And so were we....
There's that smile we had been missing!
And a big kiss from Aunt Ambie to seal the deal and we had one happy little boy again!
I don't know what is more painful...the pain of the accident for them or hurting because you can't stand to see them in pain. I'd take the pain from them in a second to never see "that" face again. I sure hope that he manages to control his crazy urges to be a lunatic aka a BOY and keep his parts in one piece!!! :) Let's hope for the best!