So, today I'm not okay, but I will be. I just miss him that's all.
Friday, November 28, 2008
So, today I'm not okay, but I will be. I just miss him that's all.
Friday, November 07, 2008
And there shall be joy...
What a proud proud day it has been thus far this morning and it's only 8:15am!!! I feel like we've been working with Corbin to get potty trained FOREVER! He just refuses!! He doesn't like underwear, so Lanae suggested we get boxer briefs so he could be more like "daddy". When that didn't work, I took him to the store and let him pick out the biggest toy and told him that when he only used the big potty he could have it. That didn't work. Camille kindly let us borrow her "I can go potty" video. I got some great tips, but Corbin could have cared less about applying the info and was more interested in watching it over and over again! I seriously have tried everything from pouring warm water over him to serving him lunch while he watched World World and drank a Diet. Dr. Pepper. What could be better? And STILL, after hours of just sitting on his "little" potty, he'd get up and then go...NOT ON HIS LITTLE POTTY!!!
But Today was a little different. This morning he called up the stairs after Coby and said, "Daddy, I need to go potty." Now normally when he says this we get excited, get his little potty ready and stick him on it...without any luck. But today, today was different. He told Coby he needed to "go" and so Coby got him "situated" and then I heard music...shear music to my ears..."Hon...has he ever pooed on the potty before?" I said,...."Um...NO....DID HE?" and to my wonderous suprise I got a whopping YES!!! With that I ran to the pantry and found his basket of wrapped toys (courtesy of Honey), just as he ran to me and said...."Mom...where's my present...?" It was said so sweetly and I was so proud!!! I told him that he could stay in his Jams all day! :)
So is he potty trained...NO...but it's a start!
On a side note I have to believe that those parents who get the privledge of raising their children in the 2nd coming...there will be NO POTTY TRAINING NECESSARY!!!! It's wishful thinking anyway!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
Our cute little Peter Pan Family...and one invisible angel unable to actually be he was there I'm sure! He wouldn't miss it!
Kiss Kiss! I've often heard that the "nerd" gets the girls!! I tried to Photoshop Amber in...but couldn't figure it out! Next year right Rhonda??!!
And neither could she!! Hot and heavy! Just kidding, they're cousins of course...(kissing cousins...and we're not even in Alabama or anything!)
And lastly two great sisters!
This our first Halloween without our little moofalotta. It was sad, but I know that he was there...somewhere. I just wish we had "visitation" rights. So we could get him every other weekend and on Holidays! Wouldn't that be nice!
Anyway, we had the awesome opportunity thanks to great family members who not only let us borrow their costumes, but actually sewed them as well! Lanae and guys are awesome! Thanks so much!
First we went trick-or-treating through the neigborhood. But the first place Corbin wanted to go was the really creepy and terrifying house with all the ghosts, clowns and blood. All month long he wants us to take him to the most creepy house on the block, over and over again! He just loved it! He was sad when everything was taken down the day after. He's like me...I love to watch things that scare me...and like to watch them over and over...I guess to desenitize me. I'm a nerd what can I say! So we all went trick-or-treating with my mom..who was "tickled pink". She wore pink and had a feather! Cute! While my dad the "nerd" opted to stay home and hand out the candy...or watch the game...I'm not sure which! :) Then after seeing our friends we closed shop and headed to Coby's parent's house for a little more candy! They serve hot cider and donuts every year. I think they said that they got over 200 kids this year! Wow! That's a lot of donuts! Joanne was little red riding hood, and Jim was a hippy, I think. Ben, Whit and Mason were a family of pirates with one adorable witch! After trick-or-treating in two great neighborhoods, you can imagine that Corbin completely made out like a bandit! We have enough candy to last us through the rest of the year. I hope we make it, because chocolate doesn't usually last long! I bet Jack is wishing he was still here because he loved chocolate too! soon! But until then...the chocolate is MINE! :)
Ward Chili Cookoff
*Note* I didn't find this out until about a week later when Camille and Coby had to tell me! Those little stinkers!!!
two cool pumpkins carved by Coby and Brett
This was our second annual Ward Chili Cookoff / Halloween Party. It was sooo much fun. I made chili, that of course didn't win AGAIN! :) But it was so fun to hang out with the Siebenbergs, Secors and Sloans. We had way too much fun. I laughed a lot...which was good. My cute cousin let our entire family borrow everything. She's got connections! ;) It so good to finally have close! I wanted to move about 3 months ago...but now I don't think you could pay me leave! I love it!
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