Jack taking a break...munching on a cheeto
"Mason, would you like one?"
"Well, ya...hand it over...thanks man"
Jack found a water gun..."Hmmm...how can I shoot Corbin with this...?"
We went over to Honey and Poppy's house for a little fun in the sun. Ben and Whitney's little Mason is getting SO big! I'm excited that he and Jack are so close in age. Only two months apart. They are going to be good buddies. Whitney keeps telling me that if I want to keep our kids close together I'll probably have to start trying to get pregnant this fall. THIS FALL????? I love being prego with Whit and I REALLY love our kids being so close in age. Don't get me wrong I love my kidlings...but they are work. And a lot of it! I just don't want to be the kind of mom that is constantly yelling at her kids. The kind of mom that's fun, whitty and most importantly PATIENT. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday that I've been so blessed with such an amazing little family. My husband rarely gets mad, lets them make mistakes and learn for themselves. There are 5 kids in Coby's family and I see just how much fun they all had when they were little and especially now that they are grown up. They are really close and I see the happiness that surrounds their family and I KNOW that I want that! As I'm writing this Corbin is sitting on Jack, Jack is mad. And what did I do...I yelled at Corbin. He just got this sad look and a pouty lip. Why do I yell???? Why am I not more patient? Instead of cleaning INCESSANTLY I should be playing with them. They are only little for so little time and I know that I'm giong to regret cleaning instead of playing. I look at moms of 4 and 5 and wonder how they do it. If you're reading...HOW DO YOU DO IT??? I need a little reassureance that I'll survive! :) How do you keep your cool, play with your children, still look cute and STILL manage to keep a clean house???? I've got to know!
**Please note...I've gotten into the habit of always cleaning even when things aren't really dirty. We have a black lap who never seem to run out of fur. So, I'm usually sweeping up mainly after HER. But I sometimes feel like I have to clean because I don't want to get behind on things and then REALLY have a cleaning catastrophe on my hands. Coby hates this because, while he lives in a semi clean house most days, I turn into this crazy cleaning Nazi whenever anyone comes over for the first time, but especially when we leave to go on trips.***