And thus we continue in the catching up...
Mother's day was quite exquisite. Coby woke me up to breakfast in bed with homemade scones, turkey bacon and low calorie oj. The scones were to die for. Corbin even got in on the action and helped roll out the scones.
Carefully rolling out the scone dough...
"look mom...I'm a chef!!"
"Meee toooo!!"
"Let's EEEEEAAAAT!!! He did have a little accident with the grease when he thought he could THROW the dough into the grease. Oooops! :) Then Coby surprised me with an awesome heart rate monitor/calorie counter watch. I LOVE it! Thanks babe!
This was the BEST mother's day ever! I love being a mom...MOST days! The cute things Corbin says, the way Jack smiles so big that his eyes completely close and he throws his head back and giggles. I love when Jack nuzzles into my neck and just stays there and let's me snuggle with him. He's my little snuggle bug! I love tucking Corbin in and having our "late" night talks where he tells me that the witch from Snow White needs a "spank" and that "we don't like hers do we mom..." Then he has to hold my hand until he actually falls asleep. It's really the greatest feeling.
Coby thought it was time for a little family trip to Disneyland! So, of COURSE we did NOT object! We packed up the Camry and headed south for a few days. The boys were sooo good over the course of the drive. The boys loved it....except for Snow White's Scary Adventure. It's actually scary! If you have younger kids, I'd think twice before FREAKING them out! Corbin started screaming and could hardly sit still long enough to get off the ride. The witch the scary one literally pops out all over the place. It's like they thought it wise to re-create that one scene in the movie were Snow white gets lost in the woods. CREEEEPY!
Anyway, for the rest of the time we were there he kept bring the "witch" up and telling us she was a "bad witch" and "you get her daddy...right"..."you give her a spank...a big one...okay daddy?" It didn't matter which ride we went on, we heard about that witch! Then the next day were waiting in line for the Peter Pan ride and lo and behold...guess who we saw peaking out of her castle? THE WITCH!!! Who noticed...CORBIN!! Yeahhh! Anyway, other than the witch Disneyland was awesome. Lines were a little longer than last time, but still not too bad.
Corbin's "Shoot" as he calls his Buzz Lightyear gun, I'm pretty sure he shot the witch about a billion times!!!
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
"Whoso pulleth out this sword..."
"Look mom...I'm driving!!
And Tigger too...
Our whole family in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle
I can't wait until Corbin is 2 inches taller and can go on Soaring over California. That the best ride! I love the smell of the orange groves and the pine trees that they pump in. It's great! We're planning another trip in October...if anyone wants to go!! We bought season tickets last year...and we're getting our moneys worth okay?!!
Jack is officially 1 year old!
I can hardly believe it! Where has the time gone??? He was so tiny and now he's our little chunk. I love him! We had a little party for him at Disneyland, but we're going to have another party with our families soon. Then he'll have his official first birthday cake to destroy. Happy birthday lammy lou, doodle, stinker stink, Jackie have retarted nicknames. That's okay, they LOVE it...I think!
Then as a result of Jack turning 1....along with that came the dreaded 1 year checkup...and I mean shots! Seriously this was the worst. My sister Sommer came with me...and thank goodness she did, because I don't think I could have gotten through without her. First Dr. Cramer found that Jack had yet ANOTHER ear infection. This makes like 12 for the year....I may be exaggerating a tichy...but honestly he gets ear infections every single time he gets a cold. EVERY SINGLE TIME!! He's getting about a month.
Okay, so the nurse came in and Sommer had to hold Jack down while the nurse gave him 6 shots in his chubby little thighs. Then Dr. Cramer came back to say that he wanted to test Jack's iron and Vitamin D levels. Guess how they do it....they find a non-existent vein in his fat little rolly polly arms and start gestimating exactly where they THINK his vein MIGHT be! So they poke him, then while the needle is inside his arm and he's silently SCREAMING at the top of his little lungs, they keep pressing down on the needle. FUN huh? Then after about 2 minutes of what feels like an eternity...they decide that they should try the OTHER arm. Poor Sommer, I nearly walked out because I could hardly stand watching. So Jack had bandages on both legs and both arms. Happy birthday baby! :(
I'm a wimp...I know...but I can't stand to see me children is such distress.Then we were off to Bear Lake for Memorial Day. After our annual "clean up" it was usual! Everyone in Coby's fam was there. The weather wasn't the best, but the company was fun. I was able to go on a run...and it felt sooo good. Perfect weather. I ran a little over 3 miles without stopping.
Well, we're finally home and back and things are back to normal...whatever that means! I missed being home, my fam, Jasmine and of course the gym. I was good however on this trip, and I think this has been the ONLY trip I don't think I've gained weight on! :) I will miss listening to the books on tape we have been listening to. "Tennis Shoes among the Nephites" We got through 3 books during our MANY MANY hours of driving. If you ever get a chance to read or listen to the books by Chris Heimerdinger, they are AWESOME! They are great because while they are fiction, the author incorporates facts from the Book of Mormon into them. It's great! I don't think I can hold out for another road trip, so to the Library I'll go!
Cute new blog! Looks like you guys are busy busy busy and having FUN! Happy birthday Jack! Can you believe these babies are 1 already?!
Miss you guys!
I love your new layout, but either I am blind or you need to change your settings b/c I can barely read it! Did coby take pics for you of Corbin cooking? If he was smart enough to take pics for your blog while you were in bed, then he is my hero.
Of course, I have to guess since I cannot read it! Sorry!
I'll have to have coby change the font size. But yes, I was in bed when he took those photos. We're looking forward to the 17th!! I'm ready with mints for your pillow and everything!
I wonder if my computer didn't upload the white background, because now I can see it fine! Happy Birthday Jack! BTW, when Jarom had stitches, I waited in the waiting room while the nurses held him down. I am a wus.
We'll be there on the 17th!
can't wait! I'm off to the store for mints! :)
Man you have done a lot of fun things! I love all the pics! It was fun to chat at Cafe always crack me up with your stories. We will see you soon! Hopefully in Bear Lake!
Thanks for visiting! But, best of all, delurking.. :) I love Amy, and I can't believe I am moving away from her just as she is moving here!!! It is fun to keep in touch via the blog world though. Oh and hey, you will LOVE that buzz light year gun. (In about a week you will "accidently" lose the batteries out of them and suddenly walmart doesn't sell those kind of batteries anymore....if you know whatimean)
Darling crack me up. Coby gave me your address at church today. I love all your cute pictures, but your comments are my favorite.
Thanks again for putting the girls' night together...I enjoyed it and still laugh when I think about the car...I put the pictures on our blog.
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