CorbiMac and Ambie
Sommie and CorbiMac
Sommer, Me and Jack, Ambie
First my little sister Amber came out for a MUCH needed visit. Coby's family was so sweet to let us "get away" at their fun cabin at Bear Lake. It was beautiful. We played a family tradition of Chicken Foot and I don't want to point fingers...but SOME people cheat....GRANDPA and DAD...oh and me of course! We got to play on the frozen lake in innertubes being pulled with the four wheeler. It was fun, but freezing Jack and I didn't last long. We had so much fun. I wish she lived closer so we could play.
THEN, Coby...the BEST husband in the world, took me to San Diego for a fun little trip...just the two of us. I was a little sad about leaving the kids, but about 30 hours into the trip...and in Vegas...I was happy and hoping our trip wouldn't end! :) We stopped for the night at the St. George house then left for Vegas in the morning. Our first stop Coby's favorite In and Out Burger. I still don't see the big I ate in Caesar's Palace. Then we drove to L.A. to see WICKED!! We got there about 1 1/2 hours early to put our name in a sort of lottery to get tickets. They give away 26 front row tickets for only $25 each. So of course we had to try. We didn't win, but the still gave us a pretty good deal anyway. Wicked was AMAZING!!! We had awesome seats.
I'm a poser...what can I say!!
Jim and Joanne were nice enough to let us stay at their resort in San Diego. It was really cool. Our room was on the golf course and their were two pools. One pool even had a water slide.
Me on the waterslide
Coby on the waterslide
Then it was off to the beach. We went to Oceanside Beach. I reminded me of Grand Haven. It was BEEEautiful and COLD!
Then I helped Coby play golf....let's just say...I have a long way to go before he'll want to take me again. Then we had to drive back the next day. It was a short trip, but so much fun. We are so thankful for both sets of parent who took the time to watch our kidlings. Thank you thank you thank you!! We love you so much!
When we got back, Jack crossed another milestone...CRAWLING! I was nervous he'd never do it! But on the 20th of April (his 11 month anniversary) he proved me wrong. Now we crawls EVERYWHERE...even places he's not supposed to. And he's fast! The other day I was on the computer downstairs in the basement. Jack was playing on the floor next to me. Then a few minutes later I realized "just how quiet" it was. So I went looking for him...he had crawled all the way up the stairs to the main floor and was almost up the stairs to the 2nd floor. That little stinker!!
We got home just to pack up and head back down to St. George for the weekend. It was a ball. The weather was so nice and warm. I even got to have a little girl time with my cousin Lanae and her friend Emily. We laughed so hard I thought they'd kick us out of Neilson's Frozen Custard. Corbin and Sammi had so much fun together, bouncing on the bed, playing golf and painting. They are such good little friends. It's so fun! Corbin hurt his foot because he thought he could stomp on a cactus with his crocks shoes. Not the best idea. He hurt his little foot and all weekend long told us about the "bad cactus...he's meeeean...he'll bite you!" It was sad, but really cute.
Then Amber had a birthday! Happy birthday girl!! We miss you!
Mother's day was AWESOME!! Coby stayed up late making homemade scones from the Favorites cookbook (my absolute favorite). They were soooo yummy! My diet went out the window and I got to enjoy them. Coby was so sweet, he bought turkey bacon and low calorie orange juice. Corbin helped cook everything and then gave me a Suunto heart rate moniter watch. It's awesome, it even tell you how many calories you've burned! I love it!! He's the best! He took care of the kids all day and even cleaned the house. Later that day we headed to Lanae and Jared's for a Mother's Day BBQ. My mom was so sweet she gave me beautiful iris' out of her garden. They we so pretty! My mom and dad marinated some turkey and it was DELICIOUS! Corbin and Jordan had ball jumping on the trampoline and driving Jordan's jeep. Then it was off to Coby's folk's. It's always a party! He had cake and ice cream and got a little mother's day treat. Corbin and Sammi had fun playing with some moroccos. Fun day! It was the BEST mother's day ever! Thanks babe! I love you soooo much!
Tuesday we had a little girl's night out with Coby's mom, Whit, Marse, and Anna. We went to see Maid of Honor and then Joanne treated to coldstone. She's so great! We all had a BLAST! I got the german chocolate cake ice cream! LOVED IT!

Wednesday, We had dinner with Ben and Whit and then headed over to take some pictures in Lanae and Jared's GORGEOUS backyard! Whitney makes a mean spaghetti and meatballs. She made it with whole wheat pasta and it was to die for! The pictures turned out great! Thanks Ben and Whit!

Our cute little family

Me showing off my mad back flip skills!
Thursday, Benniwinny boo boo and Whit called and invited us to see Iron Man. At first I thought it was going to be stupid! But it was sooo good! It was fun to hang out!

Corbin's been saying the funniest things this week. When you ask him a question sometimes his face will light up and his eyes get really big and he'll say, "that sounds like fun!!" I asked him if we should get him a BIG BOY pottie and he said..."oh, that sounds like fun!" He's so cute! He can sing "itsy bitsy spider"and "popcorn popping on the apricot tree". He loves to eat my homemade pizza dough.
San Diego Looked way fun!!! looks like you having a very fun and busy time. No wonder you have not updated.
Whew, when it rains it pours! Glad to see you guys are doing well and having fun! Miss ya!
that was way too much reading for this hour of night, but it looks like fun!
Looks like you guys are having a great time. Keep it up!
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