This year for our anniversary we both put thought into it. In the past, it's usually Coby....he's the romantic in this relationship. I always joke that he's the girl and I'm the guy! He's a cuddler...I'm not. He loves Sleepless in Seattle...I love Gladiator. He can sew....I can now thread the bobbin...most of the time!
This year we decided to stay over night at the Marriott at Thanksgiving Point. It was sooo nice! My mom was kind enough to watch the boys overnight. I picked Coby up late (of course) from work and we headed to an early movie (SALT). It was okay....didn't love how things actually turned out. Then we were off to dinner at the restaurant Harvest in Thanksgiving Point. It was AMAZING! Coby and I shared our meal and the bill was still $55! We got the best rock shrimp nachos...a definite must and then shared the surf and turf. YUMMMMMMO! Then we went back to the room and opened our gifts for each other. I was so excited to give him a few of the gifts! I got him so fun polos, CK's Eternity Aqua cologne and a jar of memories for his desk.
a little background leading up to Coby's present to me
(The week before our anniversary I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring. I was devastated! I searched for days and the Lord and Jack apparently helped me find it. do you find a .55 karat diamond in a 2500 sqft house??!!! That's worse than finding a needle in a haystack! And just so you know....unless your ring is STOLEN or you have specific language in your Homeowners's NOT COVERED!!!! To make a long story short, I found it sitting on an end table next to a picture frame of the boys about 5 days later. What a relief! Just one more testament that Heavenly Father answers our matter how small they may seem! :)
This year we decided to stay over night at the Marriott at Thanksgiving Point. It was sooo nice! My mom was kind enough to watch the boys overnight. I picked Coby up late (of course) from work and we headed to an early movie (SALT). It was okay....didn't love how things actually turned out. Then we were off to dinner at the restaurant Harvest in Thanksgiving Point. It was AMAZING! Coby and I shared our meal and the bill was still $55! We got the best rock shrimp nachos...a definite must and then shared the surf and turf. YUMMMMMMO! Then we went back to the room and opened our gifts for each other. I was so excited to give him a few of the gifts! I got him so fun polos, CK's Eternity Aqua cologne and a jar of memories for his desk.
a little background leading up to Coby's present to me
(The week before our anniversary I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring. I was devastated! I searched for days and the Lord and Jack apparently helped me find it. do you find a .55 karat diamond in a 2500 sqft house??!!! That's worse than finding a needle in a haystack! And just so you know....unless your ring is STOLEN or you have specific language in your Homeowners's NOT COVERED!!!! To make a long story short, I found it sitting on an end table next to a picture frame of the boys about 5 days later. What a relief! Just one more testament that Heavenly Father answers our matter how small they may seem! :)
Coby was so sweet and got me another ring. It's gorgeous! I still love my original better...but this is a nice treat too! Thank you babe!

Here we are on our Wedding Day 7 years ago
I can't believe it's been 7 years!!! 7 whole years??!! It's been an adventure that's for sure! In that time we've laughed ALOT, had 3 beautiful little boys, moved 3 times, bought 2 houses, sold 1 house, owned 1 STUPID Love Sac store, got rid of STUPID 1 Love Sac Store, bought 2 cars, sold 3 cars, got an MBA from MSU, gained lots of weight, lost lots of weight, changed more diapers than we could have ever imagined...and still have many more to look forward to, went to Mexico 5 times, Tahiti once, put up with one crazy dog, made some of our best friends, had more church callings than we can count, been to 5 temples, sent one son on a super long, super early mission....the list could go on forever.....just like the love I feel for you baby! "I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.....I AM THE LUCKIEST!" (Ben Folds) Our life has been so great, better than I could have ever imagined. You've stood by my side through everything. You chose to take the higher, more difficult road when thing got bad, and "life" reared it's ugly head. You are my rock and without you I know that I couldn't make it. I love you so much! Thank you for choosing me!
Then a couple days later on our Honeymoon in Tahiti. Coby is such a romantic. He wouldn't tell me where we were going. He had Sommer tell me to pack "summery" and to get a passport. It was the BEST surprise!!

Mandy, Lanae and me, just before the race.
My cute cousin told me that she wanted to run a 1/2 marathon a couple months ago and asked me to find a race. The most perfect race was waiting for us. When we lived together in Provo, Lanae and I loved going on hikes up to the Y, Bridal Veil name it. She was the adventurer...I was the tagalong! But we had so much fun together...except for the times I was a brat...which as more than I'd like to say! :) At any rate, when I saw that there was a race that encompassed our old Provo stomping grounds, I knew it HAD to be the one we'd run. This was her first 1/2 and she did AMAZING at it! Never a complaint and she and Mandy were nice enough to run at my snail-like pace! It was so fun...minus the whole knees ready to fall off by the end (it was a downhill run for most of it).
Mandy was great! She is a marathon runner with the best attitude! When I would start complaining that my knees hurt, she would encourage me to focus on something that didn't hurt like my hands or my teeth! :) She's a GREAT friend and I love running with her....when I show up!
Here we are at mile are we smiling????
And here she is practically LEAPING across the finish line!
I love this girl! OH I love this girl! She has been there for me through thick and thin and I am so happy and blessed that she is in m life. I'm happy that our boys are the same ages and are great friends. Maybe they'll have the bond that we do. Love you girl! Honestly...this girl blows me outta the water! Love ya girl!
I love this girl! OH I love this girl! She has been there for me through thick and thin and I am so happy and blessed that she is in m life. I'm happy that our boys are the same ages and are great friends. Maybe they'll have the bond that we do. Love you girl! Honestly...this girl blows me outta the water! Love ya girl!