Friday, October 17, 2008

My sweet Coby

I just wanted to say a few words regarding the most amazing person I have ever had the privledge of having in my life. Coby is so amazing and has been so wonderful during this whole horrific ordeal. He is such a good daddy and such an amazing husband and best friend.

He is my rock and without him I KNOW that I couldn't do this. Losing Jack has been the hardest thing we have ever had to go through. He takes time to listen to me cry and holds me tight assuring me of our Heavenly Father's Plan. He keeps me in one peice. He is strong, even when I know that he'd like to crumble with me. He is my angel on earth. I am so grateful for his love for me and our little family.

He is so loving and always so supportive of anything and everything I do. I thank Heavenly Father every single day that HE chose me. Thank you sweetheart.


Posh Ideas said...

What a great man you have. I'm glad to know that Coby is the Glue holding you together. I think of you often and pray for you to have strength in these trying days.

Melanie Bingham said...

He is a stud! You are lucky to have each other. For reals if I keep reading your blog I am going to have to buy stock in a water-proof mascara company!

Lanae said...

Little Tiff,
I'm SO glad you have Coby and I just think he's the neatest guy on earth. I totally look up to both of you in so many ways. And after reading Brittany's blog, I can totally see you and Coby standing together on the other side, accepting this challenge and knowing that you'd be able to survive this. You guys are both amazing people. Much love to you, Coby, and Corbin.
Love you all so much,

Anonymous said...

Yeah...a new post! He is truly amazing....he continues to impress me. I'm so glad that you guys have each other. Coby is just as lucky to have someone as wonderful as you. I can only imagine how strong this will make your relationship.
If Coby ever needs a break, my shoulder is always available for some good tears...I know it's not really the same, but ANYTIME....
Lots of Love -

Anonymous said...

BTW...I love the snow picture. It is a great glimpse of what a great, fun Dad Coby is. However, it is easy to see by how much your cute little boys cling to him.

Unknown said...

You BOTH are amazing! The Lord has truly blessed you both with each other. A match made in Heaven I say! I remember praying so hard for you to find Coby! I wanted you to be happy in love and to have everything that you deserve. I am so thankful that you have each other to get thru this. Just take it one day at a time and know that we are all here for you both. I miss you so much Tiff. I wish that I could be there everyday to hug you and see your beautiful face. Just know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday. love Bredy

Anonymous said...

Tiff...just checking in. How are you doing? Coby seems so great. But you know what they say...behind every good man is a GREAT woman!

Thanks for hanging the other night. Check in with me soon!


Katy said...

Coby is amazing I have always looked up to him. You are also amazing and I am so glad you have each other. I think of you all the time. I hope you'll let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Love ya!!!

Sommer said...

i want a coby. :)

Sommer said...

i want a coby. :)

me said...

I know I have left a comment on you blog before, i stalk your blog, haha. i live in bear river city utah. When you write about how you feel is so identical to how i felt when i lost my Justin he was 21, just off his lds mission, anyway you can read that on my blog if you want to. What you said about your husband is so sweet, cuz i do feel they get left out a little when we mourn. I remember one time i was crying so hard cuz i could not remember how he laughed or walked.I hope you don't mind me telling you these thing. i know yours is different cuz he was 1. bless your heart.

Natalie Service said...

Why I love Tiffany: Because she let's me eat one or two or twelve cookies without telling my husband.
Why I love Coby: Because he has the best uninhibited dancing moves...ever!
Why I love Tiffany: Because she tells a good story...and she's a good story teller!
Why I love Coby: Because he let me go on "Family Runs" with the family and I only had to hold Jasmines leash every other time.
Why I love Tiffany: Because she is the most positive, most encouraging, most forgiving workout buddy!
Why I love Coby: Because he willingly turned off Sports Center so Tiffany and I could watch tivo'ed episodes of "The Office". Oh wait. No he didn't.
Why I love Tiffany: Because while watching tivo'ed episodes of "The Office" she willing rewound (over and over) the sappy/excitedly awkward moments between Jim and Pam so we could scream with excitement and pretend perhaps we were Pam.
Why I love Coby: Because he rewound the awkward/uncomfortable moments between Michael and ANYONE else in the office so we could laugh our guts out!!
You two, together, have enRICHed my life more than you'll ever know! I just love you both SO MUCH!!

Brittni Schroeder Photography said...

PS Why I love Coby because he will workout with me when his wife is faking sick!!!!

Can we say awkward?

abbyandcompany said...

I know I have told you this before: I was there when you packed up your bags and left Provo for Michigan. You know why. I think of the full circle you came when you met and married Coby. I was teary thinking about it. Even though he IS from Utah, he is fan tab in my book! Plus, it takes one in a million to put up with our quirks.

Love you both....

Dianne said...

Tiffany - Those pictures are worth a thousand words. They are so precious. I love the one in the snow. You are a strong woman and have a strong family.

Mimi's Toes said...

Great pictures, especially the snow one. I Love snow. Coby sounds like the rock you need. God is so great to have joined you both together. I learned later in my marriage to lean on my hubby. I wish I would have leaned on him more in our early years but I don't know what I would do without him now after 34 years of marriage. We have an empty nest now and as we are aging, there are health issues. I have learned to really appreciate him more. I still check on you daily and pray that each day is easier for you. It is so good for you to share memories and never stop talking about your precious Jackie.

Becca said...

hi guys,
i found you out in blogger world somehow. tiff~i don't have your number but wondered if you and corbin wanted to do something with lily and i sometime~they do need to rekindle. been thinking about you...your blog is great.
take care,

p.s. coby--i guess you're pretty swell too :)

Stephanie said...

Tiffany, I don't know if you remember me. I'm Stephanie (Vibber) Prosser, from the University ward, back in MI. The strangest thing happened today. I was visiting teaching your sister Amber, and listening to this heartbreaking story of how she had recently lost her nephew. Then she went to get a picture, and when I saw the family photo, my heart just fell. I had no idea it was you...

I am heartbroken for your loss. I simply cannot imagine what you are going through. I just keep thinking back to the days when I used to be impressed by your lessons in Relief Society. Your testimony was always such a strenth to me. Who would have ever thought such an awful thing lied ahead for you? And yet, here you are again, amazing me with your faith and your testimony. I know it's been a long time since we've been in touch, but please know that there are prayers for you and your family going out all over the place...