We would like to welcome to the world Jackson Burton Rich. He arrived at 10:55pm Sunday May 20th. He weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. It was a rough day of labor for Tiff, but near the end we concluded that he needed to have a shortcut out, so he was another c-section baby. Both mom and baby are doing well and we are so stoked to have him in our lives. Thanks for all the love and prayers.
Congrats! Having two boys is so much fun!
I love him already!
Give him kisses and sing him little lullabys from his Aunt Natalie
I am just really glad that I will be the first to see the baby in real life.
Congratulations guys!
I love you guys! Tiff we are praying for you. And I am so proud that you posted his pic on your blog. All my whining must have mad a difference!
SOOOOO cute!
Who gives Wes first dibs on seing him in real life. =)
Also... That has got to be the cutest name ever! We love it!
Another adorable baby. You guys make cute kids. Haven't talked to you in forever. Tried to email your old address, but don't know if u still use it. Call me 956-206-4191..Elizabeth
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