Happy 5 Year Anniversary to me and Coby! I can't believe that it's been 5 years already. It feels like just a second ago we were getting married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. We were so blessed to have had my grandpa, McKay Burton perform the beautiful ceremony. I remember when Coby and I were planning the wedding, I don't think I was much help. The most important thing had already been scheduled (the actual temple time and date) and the rest...I could care less about. Don't get me wrong I loved everything about our wedding. But I was so excited to be married for all time and all eternity to the man of my dreams. And let me tell you, he is the man of my dreams. He is so wonderful that words can't describe just
how lucky I feel every single day because he chose ME. I still sometimes dream that he isn't real and that I just dreamed him up and I get so sad...but then I reach over and there is his hand. And the second I touch his, he grabs my hand with such love that I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Luckily, however, those dreams are less frequent. But I am so happy that I have such an awesome husband.

Because I'm going up to Bear Lake tonight (I'm doing a Booth for Raspberry Days selling my Moby Wraps with Whit and her friend Jaycee), we celebrated last night. For as long as I can remember I have been begging Coby to take me to the resturant
Hooters. I know...Hooters?? I've only been there once, but remember thinking that this chicken sandwich was to die for. So finally Coby agreed to take. Suffice it to say, the sandwich wasn't all I had remembered it to be..but we still had fun. Then it was off to the Buckle to try on clothes. They put us in the BIG dressing room. It was lots of fun just hanging out with no grumpy critters. My sweet sister Som, came to the rescue and babysat for us last night. She's the best! Thanks Som.

Happy Anniversary Monster! I love you with all of my heart!!!