Saturday, October 28, 2006

So sad to go

We'll we picked up and moved last week to Utah. It was a hard transition and it still is. We miss our friends and our house, but mostly that balmy Michigan weather. Luckily we have a good support system here and in Michigan to get us through. We will be living with my folks for a couple of months so you there is an open invitation to come and crash here. We'll here are a couple of pics from our farewell party that our good friends Madre and Ee-en threw for us.


Natalie Service said...

That party SUCKED!
Well, I take that back.
The food was good.
The games were alright.
The company was great.
The dessert was even better!
But the reason for the party has RUINED my whole life!
Thus, that party SUCKED!

Coby said...

Natalie, you are the BEST! We loved the party. Everyone that we loved was there. It couldn't have been better.

Amanda said...

Said Party for you in michigan, happy party for us in utah yea! welcome back. Now that your done moving and were do having a baby lets get together soon.

Amanda said...

P.S. Tiff you are so hot I love your hair. Corbin is so cute too. he has gottten so big.

Coby said...


You are such a riot...why didn't we become better friends in Michigan!!! Well, now that we're back in Utah we'll have to catch up on all kinds of things!! :)