Look at that happy face!! SHE DID IT!!!

LOVE my sisters! Aren't we cute!?!! Love that Amber wore UGGs with her graduation dress! :)

Amber graduated! YAAAAY! We are all so proud of her! She is the first in our little family to graduate! GO GREEN! Congrats Ambie! My family flew out to Michigan to celebrate! It was sooo fun! It was a blast to be together. Wish Coby and the boys were there. While I was there I was able to see my best friend Ryan! SUCH a treat!

My sweet sweet Grandma Burton passed away on Mother's day. It was a sad sad sad day.
I miss her tremendously. But I hear she's busy!

She's still has her sense of humor and quick whit! At her funeral as I was holding her hand I thought in my head..."I miss you soooo much grandma." I started to cry and then I heard very distinctly, "Oh stop your bawlin'!" And I knew she was there. It quickly put a much much lighter tone on her funeral.
Happy Mother's day to the two most WONDERFUL ladies I know! These women are such amazing examples of the kind of mom I want to be! My poor mom is constantly coming over to help me. My kids just LOVE their grandma...aka...Nana!! In fact my cute neighbor jokes that's she's more a part of our culd-a-sac than I am! :) I sure do love her. She is one of my best friends and I just don't know if she realizes just how much she means to me! I love you LADY! Happy Mother's Day!
Momma Jo is definitely ONE OF A KIND! I have always said that if I had to make a list of things I'd "like" my in laws to have...she has not only made everything on the list official...but she's added so much more! I love this cute lady! She's an awesome grandma...aka...Honey and friend! She's the life of the party and is always thinking of others! She's generous with everything she does! I am so happy that I get to call her MY Momma Jo! :) Happy Mother's Day!

The day after Mother's day was Amber's birthday! HAPPY birthday girl! I love you sooo much and wish you were here. We all keep crossing our fingers that you'll move out here. Corb and Jadesy would absolutely be in HEAVEN! You are the CUTEST girl EVER! You have got to be the most generous girl. She would give the shirt off her back...quite literally just to help someone out. She's more loyal than most and it's quite and honor to be sisters with her!
Then it was Lanae's birthday. Words can't even tell just how much I love this girl! Love how close we are and have been since we were babies. She has seen it all...the good, the bad and the ugly and I won't lie...there was lots of the UGLY! She is one of the most kind and generous people I know. And as you can see she's stunningly BEAUTIFUL....but if it's even possible, she's even more so on the inside. She has a heart of gold and I am so thankful that she is in my life! Love you girl!
Sharing a birthday with Lanae is our Poppy...aka Jim. We love him soooo much! He may not have all the tact in the world...but we always appreciate his honesty! Even if he did say my salad was bland one time! :) Just kidding! He and Corbin are such good buddies and we are so happy we live so close! I'm excited for Jadesy to get a little bigger so he can join the club! :) Happy Birthday Poppy!
May 20th marked what would have been Jack's 3rd birthday.
We all wrote notes on balloons (Thank Michelle for the idea) and sent them off to heaven for Jack to read.
What would a birthday be without a little cake or blowing out candles.
We miss you baby! It seems hard to think that you would be 3 years old. I wonder what you'd look like. I wonder what you would be saying. I wonder if you would be snugly or love to wrestle with your dad and Corbin. You have been gone longer than you were even here. It's hard to believe. Sometimes it just seems surreal that you are gone and I wonder if you were actually here. I know you were, and am grateful for every single second that I was blessed to keep you. I know you continue to watch over us. I know you're still witty and that you are busy being a missionary. Wish it weren't still so hard. I miss you baby. Miss you so much!
We went to see the Broadway musical "Promises Promises". Starring Kristin Chenoweth and Sean Hayes from Will and Grace (Jack). Kristin wasn't able to be there....SO SAD! I soooo want to be Kristin. I like to pretend in the car and shower. My poor poor family!
We had a BLAST! Thanks baby! LOVE being with you! Thanks mom for taking care of our monkeys!
While we were in NY we missed our oldest monkey's graduation from the Bear Facts Preschool. Lorie Bergstrom and her dad Avery were the MOST amazing teachers! I have a HUGE bin of things Corbin brought home through the year and it is JAM PACKED! She always did such fun things with him. I loved that she is a no nonsense kind of lady....very structured and EXACTLY what our little Corbin needed.
During preschool, Corbin learned a poem and number of songs each month. In the picture above he's reciting his "Turtle" poem! SO cute! I hear that he did a GREAT job!
I'm sad that it's over, but excited for Corbin to begin another chapter of his life with Kindergarten. We'll miss you Mrs. Laurie and Avery, but we'll always have swim lessons! :)