Hi all, it's Coby. I know it's been a while since we've blogged and I know we really need to catch up on this thing. So I've taken it upon myself to try to get caught up. Here goes:
Christmas last year came and went so fast that we blinked and almost missed it. Between managing time between the two families, working and shopping I'm amazed that we even had a chance to relax for a bit. For us the Christmas festivities started on Christmas Adam (December 23rd.. Adam came before Eve:) with my families Christmas dinner.

The grand kids put on a nativity (Jaden was the sheep and Jackie was the angel) for us and we had a nice time exchanging presents with each other. Christmas eve we mostly spent with Tiff's family while Amber was in town from Michigan. Corbin and I spent some time together getting hair cuts and going to lunch. It's nice to have a few hours where it's just the two of us. After that we spent some time up at the cemetery decorating a tree for Jackie. It's always hard to go up there no matter what time of year, but Christmas is especially tender.

Corbin was especially sweet with this moment. He kept saying, "we miss you Jackie". It just breaks my heart to hear stuff like that.

After the cemetery we went to go see Cloudy with a chance of meatballs at the dollar theater. It was a nice way to cheer up the day and spend some fun time together. That night we all went to the Larsons for Christmas dinner. After the easiest bedtime coercion of the year we went to work. Tiff was working late on projects so I got all the wrapping done and still had time to enjoy the end of White Christmas. The next morning we were up at the crack of dawn wondering if Santa had actually made an appearance.

Much to the delight of Corbin, Santa made a visit to our house. After 30 minutes of fierce unwrapping we were ready for a big breakfast. Jaden was just happy to play with the wrapping paper and the tags from clothes.

Corbin and I went off to play with his new toys while mommy and her sisters caught some zzzz's.

After a nice nap (for Tiffany) we went to my folks house for more festivities. It's tradition that we all line up youngest to oldest before we go in to see if Santa came. The line is getting longer and longer every year.

I love this picture of Jades with Honey and Marse.

Corbin was definitely a happy camper on Christmas. He is already asking when Christmas is coming again. Every day.

New Years in St. George coming soon.