Decorating the tree at Jim and Joanne's house has always been a Rich tradition that we have all loved! The kids especially! But this year has been exceptionally hard. Each year we'd head to the same tree lot and pick out the tree with Jim and Joanne while all the boys hid and threw peanuts at each other. Joanne has been dreading it I'm sure. So, this year we talked her into getting a "Jim" tree...similar to our "Jack" festival of trees tree. Jim made it quite clear that he did NOT want to be an actual festival of trees we did the next best thing...created our own that Joanne can love forever. All of the Rich's on Jim's side as well as Patterson's from Joanne's side came over and we made special ornaments for our "Jim" tree.....take a look....
Here it stands in all it's glory....but take an even closer look to see just how amazing it really did turn out!
Here's his name all spelled out
And of course we couldn't leave out his Saw!
We made picture ornaments. Here's one of all the kids.

A few days later, as is our tradition every Christmas, we headed to the cemetery to decorate a little tree for our little Jack and now for our Jim. I don't love this tradition. I never will. They were both too young. I hate it. I really hate it! The only comfort I get is knowing that they are together. Merry Christmas baby boy and Poppy! We wish you were BOTH here. we wish!
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