Today we decorated gingerbread houses at Honey's.
We all had to be VERY creative to get the the houses to stick long enough to get them decorated with all the sugary deliciousness. I'm not sure...but Jaden may or may not have eaten MORE candy than he placed on his little house!
Livvy was loving all the candy...and only a few ended up in her tummy!
Milly Moo was so cute and even asked permission to eat some of the candy! I should have asked her to teach my boys....
Corb let his creative juices flow and made an A-Framed little house. OR maybe it's because we been to Bear Lake A LOT during his 8 years!

Milly had to go home, so Marse and I and the kiddos headed downstairs and help decorate the "cousin's" Christmas tree. Livvy and I even matched with our polka dots!
Today was a lot of fun! Thanks Honey for always be so fun helping our kids get festive! :) We love it!
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