This Labor Day weekend we got the chance to hang out with our good friends the Seibenbergs and Onnens. We left after school on Friday and made the LONG 4 hour drive down to St. George.
After getting the kids to bed and chatting til about 1 am...we finally got some zzzzzz's. But bright and early the next morning, Cobe, Corb, Kenna and Brett were perfecting their swing at a little golf. Corb could hardly wait. He was excited to go with this dad, collect golf balls and wear his new Nike Golf shirt. (Apparently, Nike not only makes your run faster...but it makes you find more golf balls as well...according to Mr. Corbin)
Meanwhile, Cam and I stayed back and hung with Jadesy, Sam and Trey. These three couldn't stop jumping on the mattresses in the theater room. And they never lacked for things to keep them entertained!
But they did not stay with one thing too long before they needed a "Phineas and Ferb" break.

Even Trey Trey got in on the "T" (TV) action as he likes to call it. LOVE this picture of the three of them chilling in front of the tv.

The weather was PERFECT and so we did a lot of swimming in the pool. Look how high Brett and Coby got Kenna out of the water! Wowza!!

Corbin was loving all the "flppin'" action. I bet Brett and Coby were feeling it the next day! But hey they got a GREAT shoulder work out right??!!
There was lots of water football. Jeremy was a trooper throwing it to all the kids. And there were LOTS of kids. We were definitely outnumbered: 9:6 in kids and and 9:6 in BOYS!!!
They loved catching the ball in mid air and jumping in the water.
Jaden loved jumping in and out of the water with the noodle.
The next day we all went on a hike to see the Petroglyphs. They were pretty cool.
We had fun finding different tunnels and seeing all the little drawings. Jadesy loved the little cracks that he was big enough to squeeze through!
I, on the other hand kept looking for the easiest routes...for some reason...I couldn't quite fit through some of the spaces!
The dads were troopers at carrying the little ones on their shoulders.
Meanwhile...the boys were...well, BOYS. They climbed and explored and searched for lizards of course!
Did I mention that they loved to climb....?
It took a little convincing, but we were able to get them to sit still long enough to take a picture. I think that sitting on an enormous Rock may have had something to do with it.
Sam and Braden were truly buddies! They got along so well and were two peas in a pod. They personalities were so laid back and they had a GREAT time playing together. I kept trying to imagine that Jack would have fit in so nicely with them.
I wonder how old these drawings are...and who actually did them...Lamanite...Nephite....really bored pioneer kid??!! I guess I'll never know! But we sure did enjoy them!
Later that night we played the Candy Bar Game. Cam introduced us to this game and it's always a hit...especially with the kids! To play you need a few bowls of about 6 dice and make a circle. Then you pass the bowl around with 2 dice per bowl and try to get doubles. When you get doubles, you get to choose a candy bar from the middle of the circle. You are "supposed" to put your candy bar in front of you so that if someone wants it...they can steal it from you during the game. Cam and I both love Twix bars. And luckily she didn't notice that I got doubles and snatched that twix bar as quick as I could. I put it in front on may have ended up a little closer to in between my legs more so than out in front of them. When Cam finally got her chance to get her choice in candy bar...of course she wanted the twix bar. Only...she couldn't find it!! She even asked me about it and I assured her that we did indeed "buy" one of the twix bars...hmmmm....I wonder where it went. Then....all of a sudden she figured it out.....! :) We had a pretty good laugh!
The kids all had a ball and got to play until their hearts content, Popsicles and all.
And this I think this little face sums it up.
We had so much fun. It was great to just relax with GREAT friends (even though we'd stay up WAY too late chatting every single night), enjoy each other's company, soak up the sun and end summer with a BANG. Can't wait to do it again! :)
Girl - you are on top of it! Look at your up-to-date blog! I'm so jealous. Love your post. That candy bar game story seriously makes me laugh every time I think about it - you little cheater! :)
What a FUN weekend. Thanks again.
It really was a great time! Thanks for inviting us! Oh and while you two were laughing about the Twix, one of my boys stole it. It was fun watching you BOTH look for it!
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