Here I am....29 weeks pregnant with baby number 4...another little boy! I am definitely FEELING the woes of pregnancy this go round. I hope that a harder pregnancy means an easier baby!! Because I'm not going to lie...this pregnancy has been NIGHT and DAY different from all the others. This pregnancy I feel like I've gained a TON of weight really fast. As of today I've officially gained 32lbs. I'm not loving it! I am trying to remember that it's for a good cause and that I'll get this weight back off. If I can get it all off after Corbin...then ANYTHING is possible! But as stupid as it scale is a BEAST! The good news is that I don't hop on the scale more than once a week...and that's an improvement! I still try to make it to the gym at least 4 days a week...and weights 2x per week. I can only imagine what I'd look like if I didn't do it! I asked Coby if I looked much different this pregnancy than the previous one. He said, " look the same in the front...but have a bit more JUNK in the trunk this time!" NICE! Thanks babe! Later than night, (being the girl and wife that I am....I brought it back up...AGAIN) maybe in an effort to hear something "different" I asked again how "bad" it's gotten. He, being the amazing husband that he is said, "You look beautiful. You look stunning." I think he may be trying to avoid future "do I look fat" conversations. I laughed and told him that he was CLEARLY lying because he told me the same thing while I was preggers with Corbin. (see below)
He looked at me with all seriousness and dramatically said...."I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO!!" I never laughed so hard in my life. I laughed so hard that I cried and then thought I'd pass out due to lack of breath! Oh, I love this husband of mine!

But lately it seems....I tend to walk like this little guy! With the last two pregnancies, my SI joint would hurt. Not bad...but just enough to be uncomfortable! It feels like a joint that I need to pop...but just can't seem to pop until after I've hatched my little ducklings.
This pregnancy I started feeling it around month 2 to 3. Now it's really bad! I had to post a picture because Coby seems to think I've made the WHOLE SI joint thing UP! I've tried belts. I've tried foam rollers at the gym. I've tried stretching it out. Even Coby's tried to come to my aid (mainly because he says his ears hurt from all my complaining) and tries digging his elbow into my left SI joint. I've even gotten a prenatal massage (waste of money if you have to lie on your side the entire time). NOTHING has worked. Finally, my cute OB set me up with a physical therapist. She gave me exercises to do and had me come back after a couple of days. I have had C-Section surguries hurt LESS than this horrendous pain! It literally takes my breath away if I stop wrong. I went back yesterday for a follow up appt and after about an hour...we determined that I walk funny! I really do waddle! It's pretty bad! Apparently, I baby my left side and have only been making things worse by encouraging the "waddle". She showed me how to walk "straight" and this seems to be helping a bit. So, if you see me walking slowly and it looks like I'm concentrating...I AM! Here's to walking straight and getting this SI joint back in check!
Coby I promise she is so not making it up!!! Holy Hell it hurts (sorry to swear on the blog) but seriously. I don't have balls but I think it would be equal to someone kicking you there and then asking you to walk. The wacko part is you can be ok and then step wrong, bend wrong and then OUCH!
Tiff you look fabulous. Really I gained like 55lbs with Noah. You will have oodles of time to take it off after.
seriously, I would NEVER guess you've gained 35 lbs already - you look great! and yeah, I agree with you about the pregnancy massage! feel better with your SI pain - and you really don't have to make me a lasagna! love you!
Hahaha! You crack me up. I wish we lived closer. I totally get the "fat" thing about matter the number of still feel fat! You do look stunning though.
Hey Tiffers!
I didn't know you had SI pain TOO! That is something I had a really hard time with the first time around but this time has been somewhat better for some reason. I nixed the heels after I found out that it really doesn't help the situation, unfortunately. Us short girls really love our heels am I right?! Anyway, sorry to hear about the SI pain, sometimes I feel like people probably thing I'm just making a mountain out of molehill too. I get ya! Love you!
So Coby reminded me of this.....
Hahahha! Which by the way, I think you look small, especially next to me!! I am sorry you hurt so bad! :(
Little girl: what would I EVER do without you??? I'm dying over here; I just love you so much! And by the way - you do look *stunning* and I know because I just saw you yesterday (with or without makeup, preggo or not, you are just a pure beauty in every way). I hope that SI pain eases up a bit; so sorry it's causing you so much pain. I hope we can play on Thurs! I'll be in touch cute girl. XOXOXO, little
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