Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Adam with the Rich's

Every year Joanne plans a little Rich Christmas Adam (the day before Christmas Eve).  
She thinks of EVERYTHING!
Including a kids table.  It's ALWAYS a huge hit!

After a delicious dinner, we act out the Birth of the Savior in Luke 2.  Don't you love our little angels!!
Then she handed out actual bells and taught everyone to play "Jingle Bells."
Whit and Chance were WAY into it!
I think this little Angel may have lost her Bell...
Then we exchanged presents for all the cousins.  Jaden got a fun Potty book.  Can't wait to start reading it together.  I'm not sure who was more or Jadesy!
Here's me and my schweetie

After a long night, Jadesy curled up in the Love Sac next to Corb so they could open their last present.  It was really sweet.

Christmas Adam is always a day we all look forward to.  Jim and Joanne put so much time and effort into making it so fun.  Everyone has a blast and goes home fat and happy and full of joy!  Thanks Momma Jo for making our Christmas Adam so fun.  We love you and all you do to make our family so great!

1 comment:

Mama Jo said...

Dear daughter-in-law:

You are an amazing girl - and blogger. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful pictures complete with descriptive stories of Christmas. Trying NOT to over-due Christmas is a tough one so good luck! Love you and your dear family BUNDLES!