We head up to Bear Lake for Raspberry Days every year. We convinced my cute sister Amber to join us and the boys couldn't have been happier....see for yourself!

Corb spent most of his time searching for golf balls in the lake with Preston and Mason. They did pretty well. I think by the end of the weekend Corb had scored 58 balls.
This little boy clung to mine and Aunt Ambie's side and always had a cheesy smile to flash for the camera.
Speaking of cheese....
The boys played a good game of Volley Ball.
Baby Chance ATE his weight I'm sure! This kid is so funny and cute. I don't think I've ever seen a little boy eat so fast and constantly be on the hunt for more. Oh wait...maybe just one. :) My sister nicknamed him "Fat Jack."
When Corbin wasn't hunting for golf balls, he was busy perfecting his awesome flipping skills.
Love this funny shot of him upside down about to land his flip in the sand.
And land it he did...nearly every single time.
And he did it over and over again... Jaden was never too far behind wanting to follow in the steps of his big bro. Luckily, he just jumps and doesn't try to flip! Although, I'm sure those days are too far off.
After all the jumping and playing the lake, this little boy was SPENT!
Fireworks were banned this year due to all the fires this summer. But that didn't stop the boat parade from doing a few over the water.
Coby managed to get a few great shots of the fireworks over the water.
He was even able to snag this awesome shot of the moon as in danced on the lake.
I LOVE Bear Lake! I can't say it enough! It was such a GREAT, laid back weekend. I loved having my cute sister there with me to soak up the sun, play with our family and just relax. It was just what the doctor ordered! I'm so happy she's here. Now...how to convince Drew and Sommy....hmmmm....I'll be working on that one! :)
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