Lanae is always such a great little hostess and always invites us over for all the Holidays. She's always looking to host a party and why not...she's GREAT at it! I love just attending her parties and getting in a little "Little" time! Have I mentioned that it's AWESOME to be related to this girl??!!
She hid about a billion Easter Eggs and let the kids run wild collecting them. Corb was obviously very proud of his findings!!
Jaden was LOVING the tramp after the Easter Egg Hunt. LOVE the tongue. It's totally a Rich trait, but he always sticks his tongue when he's concentrating on something. It cracks me up every. single. time!

He LOVES piggy back rides on my back...or anyone else's willing back!

But my favorite is the smooch-a-roos as we call them in our house. He's VERY willing to give them out! And I'm even more willing to accept them!
There's the love of my life!
Lanae never misses a chance to have the kids create something fun. She got all the fixins' to make little Easter Basket cupcakes. I'm not sure who had more fun...the kids or us??!!
LOVE this girl! So happy that we're cousins and live so close. She's my partner in crime and I am so lucky to have her in my life!
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