And a FEAST it WAS!!
SO much yummy food...where oh where do I begin??!!
After dinner, Aunt Sommie went and jumped on the trampoline with the boys.
Corb was LOVING it...maybe a little too much....!!
Jadesy was loving every second with her too. He kept saying, "Where Aunt Summy?"
He found my mom...or she found him...I'm not sure which. His hands were he figured out that they'd stay much warmer inside her SHIRT!! Is he all boy or what??!!
"Oh yaaaa"
Here's Lanae and her cute family with our Grandpa Burton.
Here's my Burton Family. I think if you squint you'll probably be able to see Jack and my Grandma Burton. They were both not one to pass up a feast like the one we had!! :)
Me and my girl Little...I mean Lanae!
Leave it to Lanae to have some sort of "craft" for the kids to create. Here's Drew and Sommy making little pinecone turkeys.
Aunt Ambie and Corb were chasing each other. By the look on his face...I think Amber caught him.
Me and Ambie.
Corb and Jordan found the wishbone.
Ready, Set...Pull....
And we have a winner folks!!
And by the end of the wasn't pretty!!
I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving. It's one of my favorite holidays and a time to reflect on the many, MANY blessings we have been so generously been given. I am so thankful for an AMAZING family. I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for a living Prophet. I am thankful for Temples on the Earth. I'm thankful for the knowledge of the plan of salvation and that I KNOW we'll be with Jack again. I'm happy to know that he's not really gone in the eternal scheme of things. I'm thankful that my best friend is sealed to me for eternity and that because of him we have 3 of the cutest kids ever born. I am thankful for my testimony. I am thankful for my health and the health of my loved ones. I am thankful that I've been able to get through 3 years without my sweet little Jack. I am thankful for so many things. My heart is full. I don't deserve all that I've been given, but I sure am grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
1 comment:
And I'm grateful for YOU!
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