I've got to hand it to Honey...she knows JUST how to throw a party. A FUN party! We all went over to Honey and Poppy's house for a Sunday Halloween Dinner Party. She made the YUMMIEST Broccoli Cheese soup in fun Pumpkin Bread bowls.
After dinner the kids got into their costumes. Honey put on some fun Halloween music and they all lined up and strutted their "stuff" for the 1st Annual Halloween Parade through the house. It was pretty cute!
After the Parade the kids all got to participate in a donut eating contest. Poppy had strategically placed string on the blades of the fan and attached glazed donuts at the ends. Then the fan was turned on and the kids had to chase the donuts using ONLY their mouths to try and get a donut.
Sammi was determined to get it...even if it was a little out of her reach... Mason had high hopes too!
Oh...Almost there....
...and he's GOT IT folks!!
Jaden didn't miss a beat either...although, I think he may have cheated a little! :)
Thanks Honey and Poppy for being so fun! We sure do love you guys!
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