This boy is the GREATEST! He is so warm and loving and always doing something! Today he decided to build a fort out of the stools in the kitchen.
Here are a few conversations we had over the past couple days.
Lately he seems to want to know "how much" something cost or how much it's worth. I hope that phase will pass quickly! I'm running of of estimates! This particular day he was asking me how much something cost and I ask him how much he thought Jack cost.
Corb: "Mom, Jack didn't cost any money...he was free."
Coby and I kind of laughed to each other.
Coby: "Free...I don't think so.
Corb: "OOOOOOH.....I have a good idea...what IF we paid Heavenly Father some money? Then we could just get Jack early. would be get the money to Heavenly Father? WAIT....I KNOW...What IF we got a DOLLAR tied it to some balloons? Then it would go right up to Heaven. Heavenly Father would get the money and then he'd send Jack back to us?!!
Me: "That sounds like a GREAT Idea!"

Corb just BEAMED with his brilliance! :) I love how kids think! It's so simple! IF ONLY IT WERE THAT SIMPLE! :) I have a whole dollar right here and I would happily run to the store to buy out all the balloons just to make sure my dollar got to Heavenly Father if it would work! If there were even a CHANCE that it would work! :)
This afternoon Corb came home and wanted lunch. Here's how the conversation went:
Corb: "Mom, can I have some lunch? I want some of that stuff you call "PUKE".
Me: "Puke"...I don't call anything we'd eat "puke".
Corb: "Here, let me show ya..." (He climbs up on the counter and pulls this out)
Clam I remember...I MAY have said this smelled like puke! Well, it does!!!
1 comment:
I think you should make it a tradition to tie a dollar to one of the balloons that you always send up on Jackie's birthday!! :)
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